Enrolled in Technique Lab 1 at the Atlantic Acting School due to start on 9/17/2018.
Enrolled in Scene Study Intensive 1: The Tools at the Barrow Group due to start on 9/25/2018.
Started Improv 201 at UCB. Learning to recognize game, ask "if this unusual thing is true, what else is true", don't start a scene with a question, and stop doing "yes, and" once game has been established. Moral of the story, improv is hard!
Completed a three week on camera class with acting coach and former casting director of FOX Maria Hubbard. Got some sweet new sides, and met some cool gals. A couple of whom had some horror stories about their ethnicity and casting calls... Like an Asian American girl being asked to do the scene in "broken English", and another being told that she needs to change her last name because it's not ethnic enough for her look. I guess this is the industry we signed up for, so water off a ducks back!
Finished Improv 101 at the Upright Citizens Brigade with Mr John Murray from improv group "GOAT". Learned a lot about long form improv which is not at all like "who's line is it anyway", and made some cool new friends. Learned that when a teacher tells two people to get up in front of the class and just talk about whatever organically, people love to talk about peeing in sprinkles and other people's pools, 90's tv shows and movies like "the Amanda Show", and "parent trap" and the decline into drugs for Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes, and how their parents have cupboards full of yellow pillows that are at least a decade old (apparently no one knows what a pillow protector is here...?)
Completed two back to back show reel scene classes with actors connection/reproductions. Got to work with some awesome and culturally diverse scene partners, an Asian American (EJ), an Irish Lass (Aishling), a French guy (Anthony), and an all American gal (Ryan). Had a blast.
Left Brisbane, Australia en route to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Landed in NYC on 26 December, wheeled my two overweight suitcases, overweight in cabin bag, and overstuffed handbag out into the cold, ordered an uber and started my NYC adventure.
AuthorJust another Australian Actor in LA Archives
February 2025
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